
在托福考試中,考生會遇到各式各樣的學術型題目。今天Atlas101將和大家分享藝術文化(Art and Culture)相關的背景知識——古埃及宗教!!閱讀本篇文章,你可以認識跟古埃及人的宗教信仰文化,以及學習相關英文單字,我們希望能夠幫助托福(TOEFL iBT)托福考生多在考試中面對不同領域的知識,能夠更加游刃有餘。



  1. Belief in Many Gods and “Maat” Concept(信仰眾神與「瑪特」概念):

Ancient Egyptians believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses, each with specific roles, while the concept of “Maat” emphasized harmony and balance in the universe.


  1. Daily Religious Actions(日常宗教行為):

Everyday religious practices among the ancient Egyptians included making offerings and communicating with their gods through prayers and rituals. Additionally, stelae were erected as commemorative markers for the deceased and as conduits for seeking divine intervention in daily affairs.


  1. Stelae’s Role and Meaning (石碑的角色與意義):

Stelae played multifaceted roles in ancient Egyptian society, serving as both memorials for the deceased and mediums for soliciting assistance from the gods. These inscribed monuments facilitated a spiritual connection between the living and the divine, preserving cultural beliefs and traditions for future generations.



  • offerings (n):供品;奉獻
  • rituals (n):儀式
  • deceased (adj):已故的
  • divine (adj):神聖的
  • memorials (n):紀念物
  • inscribe (v):刻上
  • monuments (n):紀念碑
  • preserve (v):保存
  • deity (n):神祇
  • afterlife (n):來世
  • worship (n):崇拜
  • inscription (n):銘文
  • significance (n):重要性
  • burial (n):埋葬
  • tomb (n):墓穴
A closeup of the engravings on the walls of the Luxor Temple, Egypt

延伸閱讀:Ancient Egyptian Religious Beliefs

Ancient Egyptian religion was a multifaceted system shaped by polytheism and intricate rituals, with gods and goddesses revered across various regions. Central to this belief system was the figure of the king, who bridged the gap between mortals and the divine through religious ceremonies and monumental constructions.

Deities like the sun god and Osiris held significant roles in Egyptian cosmology, embodying cosmic principles such as the cycle of day and night and the realm of the afterlife. Upholding Maat, the concept of truth and cosmic balance, was paramount for maintaining order in the universe, a duty entrusted to the king to ensure divine favor.

Everyday religious practices played a vital role in popular worship, with votive offerings and private communion with the gods reflecting the devotion of ordinary Egyptians. Among these practices, the use of stelae, upright monuments containing inscriptions or images, held particular significance.

Stelae served various purposes, from commemorating individuals or events to delineating physical spaces. In ancient Egypt, stelae originated as burial markers in the necropolis at Abydos, evolving into freestanding monuments or carved rock inscriptions. These monuments often depicted the deceased and invoked divine protection through images of the sky or symbolic motifs.

Commissioned by both royal and non-royal patrons, funerary stelae recorded the names and titles of the deceased, ensuring their memory endured. False-door stelae provided entryways for the deceased to access offerings left in tomb chapels, while votive stelae erected in temples or homes sought divine intervention for healing or wish fulfillment.

Through stelae and other religious practices, ancient Egyptians sought to maintain harmony with the divine realm, shaping their worldview and cultural identity. These enduring beliefs and rituals offer valuable insights into the rich tapestry of ancient Egyptian religion and its profound impact on society.

A female in Abu Simbel Temple in southern Egypt next to Lake Nasser












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