
在托福考試中,考生會遇到各式各樣的學術型題目。今天Atlas101將和大家分享生物學(Biology)相關的背景知識——動物行為:資源分配的優先順序!!閱讀本篇文章,希望能夠幫助托福(TOEFL iBT)托福考生多認識不同領域的知識,累積更多的單字。



  1. Priority of resource allocation in animal behavior.(動物行為資源分配的優先順序)

This demonstrates how animals make crucial decisions for their survival and reproduction. It highlights their ability to adapt to challenges in their environment.

這展示了動物如何為其生存和繁殖做出關鍵決定。 它突顯了他們適應環境挑戰的能力。

  1. Animals allocate their limited resources based on what’s available and what they need.(動物根據可用資源和需求來分配有限的資源) 

Their resource allocation behavior is a dynamic and flexible process, changing depending on environmental factors and individual needs. Animals prioritize activities that help them survive and reproduce.

  1. An example is African elephants.(非洲象就是一個例子)

African elephants are a good example of this. During dry periods, they focus more on finding water to ensure the survival of their herd. They adjust their foraging habits and movement patterns accordingly to keep their group alive.

非洲象就是一個很好的例子。 在乾旱時期,它們更注重尋找水源,以確保牛群的生​​存。 它們相應地調整覓食習慣和運動模式,以保持群體的生存。

  • reproductive (adj.) – 生殖的
  • allocation (n.) – 分配
  • finite (adj.) – 有限的
  • availability (n.) – 可用性
  • ecological (adj.) – 生態的
  • majestic (adj.) – 威嚴的
  • nutrient-rich (adj.) – 富含營養的
  • dietary (adj.) – 飲食的
  • quench (v.) – 解渴
  • physiological (adj.) – 生理的
  • nurturing (adj.) – 滋養的
  • conspecifics (n.) – 同種的
A herd of antelopes grazing on dried grass in Maasai Mara Kenya Tanzania

延伸閱讀:Animal Behavior: Prioritizing Resource Allocation

In the complex world of ecology, animals face the challenge of allocating their limited resources wisely to ensure survival and reproductive success. Central to this challenge is the concept of prioritizing resource allocation, a fundamental principle in animal behavior and ecology. This principle explains how animals strategically distribute their finite resources, such as time and energy, based on factors like resource availability, value, and individual needs.

Resource allocation priority refers to how animals strategically allocate their limited resources to activities that maximize their fitness and overall success in their environment. Animals must make informed decisions and prioritize certain activities over others to effectively navigate their ecological niche.

A compelling example of resource allocation priority is seen in the behavior of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). These majestic creatures, known for their size and social structures, provide insights into sophisticated resource allocation strategies, especially regarding food and water.

African elephants spend much of their time foraging for vegetation, including grasses, leaves, and fruits. They prefer areas with abundant and nutrient-rich vegetation to meet their dietary needs. Access to water is crucial for elephants, particularly during dry periods. They prioritize visits to water sources, often traveling long distances to quench their thirst and fulfill their physiological needs. Additionally, elephants invest resources in nurturing social bonds and ensuring collective protection, enhancing their overall survival.

Prioritizing resource allocation is a fundamental aspect of animal behavior, shaping their interactions with the environment and conspecifics. By understanding how animals like the African elephant prioritize their resources, we gain insights into their adaptive strategies and can develop effective conservation measures to protect their populations amidst environmental challenges.

  • 資料來源:網路整理
forest silhouette in the shape of a wild animal wildlife and forest conservation concept




一個生動的例子是非洲象(Loxodonta africana)的行為中展現出的資源分配的優先順序。這些雄偉的生物以其巨大的體型和社會結構而聞名,特別是在食物和水的領域,它們展現出了複雜的資源分配策略。








雅思閱讀考題取材非常豐富,Atlas101將不定期分享不同主題的英文文章,幫助大家提升英文實力。這次Atlas101要跟大家分享「神經科學的前沿:探索大腦植入物」( The Frontier of Neuroscience: Exploring Brain Implants)的議題,大家看完可以小試身手、回答問題,看看自己答對幾題!!
