Table of Contents
- 延伸閱讀:【Atlas101托福精選單字】生物學(Biology)
- 延伸閱讀:【Atlas101托福精選單字】動物學(zoology)
- 延伸閱讀:【Atlas101托福精選單字】心理學(Psychology)
編號 | 英文單字 | 詞性 | 中文 | 例句 |
1 | photosynthesis | (n.) | 光合作用 | Plants use photosynthesis to produce energy. (植物使用光合作用來產生能量。) |
2 | chloroplast | (n.) | 葉綠體 | Chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis in plant cells. (葉綠體在植物細胞中負責光合作用。) |
3 | stomata | (n.) | 氣孔 | Stomata allow gases to be exchanged in plant leaves. (氣孔允許植物葉片中的氣體交換。) |
4 | transpiration | (n.) | 蒸散作用 | Transpiration is the process of water movement through plants. (蒸散作用是水分通過植物的過程。) |
5 | xylem | (n.) | 木質部 | Xylem transports water and nutrients in a plant. (木質部在植物中運輸水分和養分。) |
6 | phloem | (n.) | 韌皮部 | Phloem carries sugars produced during photosynthesis. (韌皮部運輸光合作用產生的糖分。) |
7 | pollination | (n.) | 授粉 | Pollination is essential for the reproduction of many plants. (授粉對於許多植物的繁殖至關重要。) |
8 | fertilization | (n.) | 受精 | Fertilization occurs when pollen meets the ovule in the flower. (受精發生在花朵中花粉遇到卵子的時候。) |
9 | germination | (n.) | 發芽 | The process of germination marks the beginning of plant growth. (發芽的過程標誌著植物生長的開始。) |
10 | seedling | (n.) | 幼苗 | The seedling emerged from the soil after the seed germinated. (種子發芽後,幼苗從土壤中冒出。) |
11 | root system | (n.) | 根系 | The root system anchors the plant in the soil and absorbs nutrients. (根系固定植物在土壤中並吸收養分。) |
12 | shoot system | (n.) | 莖系 | The shoot system includes stems, leaves, and reproductive organs. (莖系包括莖、葉和生殖器官。) |
13 | angiosperm | (n.) | 被子植物 | Angiosperms produce seeds enclosed in fruits. (被子植物產生包裹在果實中的種子。) |
14 | gymnosperm | (n.) | 裸子植物 | Gymnosperms have seeds exposed on the surface of cones. (裸子植物的種子裸露在球果表面。) |
15 | tropism | (n.) | 向性生長 | Tropism is the growth response of a plant toward a stimulus. (向性生長是植物對刺激的生長反應。) |
16 | adaptation | (n.) | 適應 | Plants undergo adaptation to survive in diverse environments. (植物進行適應以在多樣環境中生存。) |
17 | perennial | (adj.) | 多年生植物 | Perennial plants live for more than two years. (多年生植物的壽命超過兩年。) |
18 | annual | (adj.) | 一年生植物 | Annual plants complete their life cycle in one year. (一年生植物在一年內完成其生命周期。) |
19 | petals | (n.) | 花瓣 | Petals are the colorful part of the flower that attracts pollinators. (花瓣是花朵的色彩豐富的部分,吸引授粉媒介。) |
20 | stamens | (n.) | 雄蕊 | Stamens produce pollen, the male reproductive cells in flowers. (雄蕊產生花粉,是花朵中的男性生殖細胞。) |
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