







1conservationn.保育The conservation of natural resources is crucial for sustainable development. (自然資源的保育對可持續發展至關重要。)
2biodiversityn.生物多樣性The Amazon rainforest is renowned for its incredible biodiversity. (亞馬遜雨林以其令人難以置信的生物多樣性而聞名。)
3adaptationn.適應Polar bears have remarkable adaptations to survive in their harsh environment. (北極熊具有顯著的適應能力,以在嚴酷的環境中生存。)
4pollutionn.污染Industrial pollution poses a significant threat to the environment. (工業污染對環境構成重大威脅。)
5climaten.氣候Climate change is causing shifts in weather patterns around the world. (氣候變化導致世界各地天氣模式的變化。)
6extinctionn.滅絕The rapid loss of habitats is leading to the extinction of many species. (棲息地的迅速喪失導致了許多物種的滅絕。)
7sustainabilityn.永續性We need to promote sustainability to ensure the well-being of future generations. (我們需要促進永續性,以確保未來世代的福祉。)
8habitatn.棲息地The destruction of natural habitats threatens the survival of many species. (自然棲息地的破壞威脅著許多物種的生存。)
9erosionn.侵蝕Soil erosion can be mitigated through proper land management practices. (通過適當的土地管理實踐可以減緩土壤侵蝕。)
10restorationn.恢復Efforts are being made to restore degraded ecosystems to their former glory. (正在努力將受損的生態系統恢復到往昔的榮耀。)
11decompositionn.分解Decomposition of organic matter enriches the soil with nutrients. (有機物的分解使土壤富含養分。)
12pesticiden.殺蟲劑Farmers often use pesticides to protect their crops from pests. (農民經常使用殺蟲劑保護作物免受害蟲侵害。)
13preservationn.保護The preservation of cultural heritage is essential for maintaining a sense of identity. (文化遺產的保護對於保持身份認同感至關重要。)
14floran.植物群The region boasts a diverse flora, including many rare species. (該地區擁有多樣的植物群,包括許多罕見的物種。)
15faunan.動物群The national park is home to a rich fauna, with numerous species of mammals and birds. (國家公園是眾多哺乳動物和鳥類的家園。)
16ozonen.臭氧The ozone layer helps protect life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. (臭氧層有助於保護地球上的生命免受有害的紫外線輻射。)
17wetlandn.濕地Wetlands play a crucial role in flood control and biodiversity conservation. (濕地在防洪和生物多樣性保護方面起著至關重要的作用。)
18deforestationn.森林砍伐Deforestation is a major contributor to habitat loss and climate change. (森林砍伐是棲息地損失和氣候變化的主要原因。)
19ecosystemn.生態系統The health of an ecosystem depends on the interactions between its living and non-living components. (生態系統的健康取決於其生物和非生物組成部分之間的相互作用。)
20renewableadj.可再生的Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power play a vital role in reducing carbon emissions. (太陽能和風能等可再生能源在減少碳排放中發揮著至關重要的作用。)

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2024 Digital SAT 測驗全面解析:大學入學的新途徑

2023年起美國大學理事會(College Board)將在全球範圍內推行SAT考試的全面數位化Digital SAT,開啟電腦考試時代。此重大轉變意味著從2024年開始,美國本土的考生也將轉向電腦考試,減少考試時間至2小時,無需再使用傳統的鉛筆和橡皮擦。這一創新反映了教育和技術的進步,並標誌著Digital SAT成為美國大學入學評估的重要標準。Digital SAT為學生提供更便利、高效的考試體驗,並使考試過程更靈活、個性化,完全符合當代數位化學習環境的要求。
